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Republican Attack

These 8 photos are from a Spanish Civil War (1938) game that was hosted in the basement of Two Tin Soldiers game store in Troy, NY. It was an attack by the Republicans on Hill 481 during the Ebro campaign. The Republicans eventually took it with heavy casualties.
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Republicans Advance
Republicans Advance
Here we see the Republican infantry advancing on hidden gun emplacements.
Republican tanks
Republican tanks
The left flank of the Republican forces. Some T-26 tanks provide armor support.
Bart 02
Overview - Turn 2
I believe this was the end of turn 2. Steve Keyer (center, white shirt) is refereeing the game.
Brew up!
Brew up!
A Republican T-26 is knocked out by an entrenched 37mm anti-tank gun.
Air Support
Air Support
The Republican forces get a little air support. The Nationalist forces fended off the aircraft with small-arms fire.
A close up of one of the supporting tanks.
Nationalist Command
Nationalist Command
The Nationalist Commanders.
Anti-tank gun revealed
Anti-tank gun revealed
The non-tank "puff-ball" reveals the location of the entrenched 37mm anti-tank gun. A machinegun emplacement to the left has also been revealed.

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