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Scenario Name | Description | Time Period | Author Date Modified |
Size |
Pre-War, Early War, Blitzkrieg in the West Table of Contents |
Blitzkrieg Fueled by Oats | A Nationalist force attempts to raid a Republican supply dump. This scenario uses our prototype Spanish Civil War units and requires the Blitzkrieg Supplement. | Spain 1937 | Henry Lubbers | M |
Chopping Wood (.pdf) | Finnish troops attempt to reduce a Soviet "Motti" (fortified pocket) during the Winter War. | Winter War 39-40 | Steve Keyer | M |
Polish Spoiling Attack | After rapidly advancing into Poland, a German reconaissance unit was preparing for its next leap forward when a strong Polish infantry force launched a spoiling attack. Note-requires Blitzkrieg Supplement. | Poland 1939 | Mark Hayes | S |
Breakthrough at Pless | The Germans attack an entrenched Polish force with a combined arms force of armor, infantry, artillery, and air support. Note-requires Blitzkrieg Supplement. | Poland 1939 | Mark Hayes | M |
Roa | Two scenarios involving an advance to contact by the Germans against a Norwegian infantry force. The first is pretty much a verbatim translation of the original SkirmishCampaign scenario (published with their permission and cooperation). The second is a modification that Kevin Rolfs sprang on his unsuspecting buddies at the UT gaming group. | Norway 1940 | Kevin Rolfs SkirmishCampaigns |
M |
Crehen | A French delaying action against the German opening moves in May 1940. | France 12MAY1940 | Andy Parkes and Bob Hart | M |
Crehen 2 | A French delaying action against the German opening moves in May 1940. Some mods by Bill Slavin | France 12MAY1940 | Andy Parkes, Bob Hart, Bill Slavin | M |
Crehen 3 | A continuation of the situation previous two scenarios, German forces attack the French to prevent the French Army from interfering with the Sedan crossing. | France 13MAY1940 | Andy Parkes, Bob Hart, Bill Slavin | M |
Monthermé | The Germans attempt to force a crossing over the Meuse at Monthermé | France 1940 | Andy Parkes and Bob Hart | M |
Stonne | French Counterattack against the breakout at Sedan Stonne After Action Report |
France 1940 | Eric Feifer | M |
Ste. Quentin Canal | While the Blitzkrieg rages, a scratch French force attempts to hold Germans on the Somme River Line. The Germans attempt an opposed river crossing. | France 4JUN1940 | Andy Parkes and Bob Hart | M |
Juniville-French Juniville-German Juniville-Umpire Notes |
The Germans attempt to force a river crossing in the face of dug-in French defenders and a counterattack. This is a HUGE demonstration game that was put on at Reading 2014 (a Division+ on the board). It is based on the historical crossing of the Aisne and Retourne Rivers that occurred when the Germans turned South after breaking through to the Channel during May and surrounding the French and British forces who had advanced into Belgium (leading to the evacuation at Dunkirk). The Germans then turned South and the pursuit eventually forced France out of the war. The French attempted to hold at various river lines, and this battle is based on the fight for one of them. A discussion of this battle can be found on the Axis history forum and the following articles Battle on the Aisne River, 2e DI on the Aisne and Retourne Rivers - June 9-10, 1940. The AAR for the Reading Game can be found here. |
France June 1940 | Andy Parkes | V |
Boulogne | The Welsh Guards defend the approaches to Boulogne against the lead elements of the Blitzkrieg. This is a small scenario designed for a limited budget. | France 1940 | Richard de Ferrars and Paddy Green | S |
Bruneval Raid (.pdf) | British Paratroops attempt to steal German radar technology in a daring raid. | Coastal France Feb 1942 | Steve Burt | I |
East Front Table of Contents |
Alytus Bridgehead | Early East Front scenario of Germans defending a Bridgehead against a Russian counter-attack. Some extra information from a customer who lives in the area Alytus Extra Info | Russia 1941 | Mark Stricker | M |
Near Smolensk | A German force attempts to force a river crossing. Note-requires Blitzkrieg Supplement. | Russia, July 1941 | Michael Turner | L |
Steppe Forest | German and Russian infantry formations struggle for control of a rail line through the forest. | Russia 1941 | James Baker Based on an article from Miniature Wargames |
M |
Last Charge of the Savoia | Italian mounted cavalry attack Russians defending several spread-out objectives. | Russia Aug 1942 | Pete Landry | M |
Hungarian Recon (.pdf) | A dismounted Hungarian Recon group attempts to force its way through Russian remnants and capture a critical bridge. | Russia 1942 | Steve Keyer (Two Tin Soldiers) | M |
Tractor Factory | German and Russian infantry formations fight it out at Stalingrad in the tractor factory. This is a mini-campaign game with 3 scenarios and a method of generating more of them. | Stalingrad 1942 | Ken Natt | C |
Red House | A German Assault Group attempts to gain control of a critical strongpoint. | Stalingrad 11NOV1942 | Ken Natt | S |
Sowchos 79 | The Germans try to reestablish the Chir river defenses before attempting to relieve Stalingrad. | Chir River Dec 1942 | Tom Schumacher | L |
Advance to Rostov Campaign Game (zipped MS-EXCEL and MS-WORD 138k)
(zipped pdf 633k) |
Tom gave me a system for generating BF campaigns, along with a sample campaign that was run by his wargaming group. The Russians are attempting to break through to Rostov and cut off all of the German forces in Southern Russia. Note that this rather sizable download contains not only the Rostov campaign, but also rules for generating campaign and MS-Word and EXCEL files that can be used to generate your own campaign. Pictures of the campaign can be found here. | Southern Russia 1942 | Tom Schumacher | C |
Operation Spark | The Russians try to reduce an important German fortified position in the siege lines surrounding Leningrad. | Chir River Dec 1942 | Iain Craven | M |
Operation Kutuzov 3 zipped .pdf files | The Russians start their counterattack against a fortified German position. | Kursk 1943 | Steve Curtis | L |
Grossdeutschland at Kursk | Elements of Grossdeutschland encounter the 1st Mechanized Brigade. | Kursk 1943 | Eric Feifer | M |
A difficult affair II-West of Butovo | Set during the opening rounds of Kursk, this small but vicious fight pits a veteran company from Grossdeutschland against a reinforced platoon of Russians. Superior numbers and discipline rating are offset by entrenchments and strict victory conditions. Here is a loss chart for this scenario, and a set of unit labels that can be used for this scenario and the next one. | Kursk 1943 | Steve Curtis | I |
A difficult affair IV-Gertsovka Station | Another small and vicious struggle as a reinforced PzGr company attempts to roust Veteran Russian infantry from their positions around a rail junction. | Kursk 1943 | Steve Curtis | I |
Kampfgruppe Stachwitz | An all-armor clash that was the precursor to Prokorovka. | Kursk 1943 | Steve Curtis | M |
First Day In Hell | Leibstandarte Adolph Hitler attempts to clear a corridor through the Russian defenses on the first day of Operation Citadel. | Kursk 1943 | Mike Pierce | M |
Somewhere In Hell | Heavy metal crashes together on the Southern Flank of the Kursk Salient. | Kursk 1943 | Rob Wubbenhorst | L |
Take the hill | A non-historical scenario where a Russian force attempts to eliminate a German strongpoint. | Russia 1943 | Richard Hasenauer | S |
Dyhernfurth Raid | The Germans attempt to hold a chemical weapons factory against a Russian counterattack long enough to allow their scientists to destroy it. | Oder River Line, Feb. 1945 | Faron Bell and the West Texas Wargamer's Association | M |
Springtime on the Oder - Umpire Briefing Springtime on the Oder - German Briefing Springtime on the Oder - Russian Briefing |
The battle for Kustrin, put on at the Derby 2009 convention. This is a big scenario with lots of heavy metal. Here is the After Action Report of the Derby Game. | Kustrin, March 1945 | Iain Craven & Richard Lawrence 19OCT2009 |
V |
Mediterranean-N. Africa, Tunisia, Sicily, Italy, Aegean Table of Contents |
Desert Do Or Die | At the climax of the battle of Beda Fomm, elements of the Italian X army attempt to break through a British blocking position to clear the way for the retreat to Agedabia. If they fail, the Italian Army will be forced to surrender. If they succeed, the Italians will escape to fight again. | Beda Fomm Feb 1941 | Paolo Scarpa | M |
Maleme | As part of Operation Mercury, the invasion of Crete, German paratroops attempt to capture an airfield. Here is an After Action Report of a replay of this scenario. | Crete May 1941 | Bill Slavin | M |
Galatas Counterattack | Several days into Operation Mercury, the invasion of Crete, the Germans were attempting to break through the Galatas defense line. The New Zealand troops launched a ferocious counterattack | Crete 25 May 1941 | Bill Slavin | S |
Ram's Head Butt - Bir El Gobi | In the glorious tradition of their Napoleonic Light Cavalry and the Crimean Charge of the Light Brigade, a British tank force charges headlong into defending Italians during operation Crusader without proper reconnaissance. This time the Italians are ready for a fight. | Operation Crusader 19NOV1941 | Paolo Scarpa | M |
Bir-El-Gubi Special Rules Map Axis OOB Allied OOB |
Bir el Gubi - British try to break through an Axis screening force. | Operation Crusader 19NOV1941 | Phil Calcott | M |
Point 175 - Sunday of the Dead | During Operation Crusader, New Zealand troops clash with the Germans over an obscure elevation in the desert. | Operation Crusader 23NOV1941 | Bill Slavin | M |
Mehdia U.S. Orders Mehdia French Orders |
The French attack the people who have come to liberate them in Morocco. | NOV1942 North Africa | Bob Hart | S |
Operation Supercharge - Tebaga Gap | New Zealand troops attempt to outflank the Mareth Line. | 26MAR1943 Tunisia | Bill Slavin | L |
Primosole Bridgehead (.pdf) | British Paras defend a captured bridge against German Counterattacks. | Sicily 14 July 1943 | Bill Slavin | M |
Ambush at Grammichele (.pdf) | Canadians encounter a German ambush. | Sicily 15 July 1943 | Bill Slavin | M |
Termoli (.pdf) | British Commandos defend against the 16th Pz. Division. | Italy 1943 | Nigel Perry | M |
Leros OOB
Leros Landing |
A pdf order of battle for the British campaign to capture the island of Leros and some scenarios based on the German parachute assault to retake it. | Aegean Nov 1943 | Nigel Perry | C |
Villa Roggati |
Canadians attack across the Moro River. Here is an After Action Report of this scenario (.pdf). | 6DEC1943 Italy | Bill Slavin | S |
Operation Torso - The First Battle for Orsogna |
New Zealanders attack a defended Italian Town. There are two linked scenarios. Note - 1.8Mbyte download | 7DEC1943 Italy | Bill Slavin | S |
Ortona |
The Canadians try to pry some heavily entrenched Fallschirmjäger out of the town of Ortona in a close-quarter fight. | DEC1943 Italy | Bill Slavin | S |
Campo di Carne |
Germans attack British troops defending the Anzio bridgehead. | 18FEB1944 Italy | Paddy Green | M |
Cassino Railway Station |
New Zealand Troops attempt to secure a bridgehead over the Rapido at the Cassino Railway station while engineers build/repair a path for armored support to cross the river. | 17/18FEB1944 Italy | Bill Slavin | M |
San Martino |
Canadians attack dug-in German Paratroops. | 17SEP1944 Italy | Bill Slavin | S |
NW Europe-Normandy, Breakout Table of Contents |
St. Louis to St. Lo Part 1 St. Louis to St. Lo Part 2 |
This is a campaign generation system for a fictional U.S. unit that fights in the Normandy campaign. Although designed for other systems, it could easily be adapted to BF:WW2. This was extracted from the Yahoo Battlefront Group. | Normandy 1944 | Mark Hannam | C |
When Eagles Drop | D-Day paratroop action to clear a causeway exiting Utah Beach. | Normandy 1944 | Rob Wubbenhorst | M |
Bréville 3 zipped .pdf files - overview, scenario, special umpire instructions | On the East flank of the Normandy bridgehead, British Paras with armour support attempt to clear the village of Bréville, which is being used as an artillery observation post and staging area by the Germans. | Normandy, JUNE 1944 | R. Mark Davies | M |
Tilly-sur-Seulles The Sphinx Rampant (PDF 1.4MByte) |
The 2nd Gloucesters' Assault on Tilly-sur-Seulles. The first of two scenarios from RMD in this area. | Normandy 11th June 1944 |
R. Mark Davies | L |
A Hard Day's Fighting | The 9th Durham Light Infantry with attachments takes on Panzer Lehr in a fight for the town of Lingevres. (PDF Format 116k) | Normandy, 14JUN1944 | Proff Pender | M |
Ingouf Farm |
U.S. Paratroops attack Germans defending an farm in Normandy | 11JUN1944 Normandy | Andy Parkes | I |
Tilly-sur-Seulles The Pompadours' Revenge (PDF 1.5MByte) |
The 2nd Essex Regiment's Final Assault on Tilly-sur-Seulles. | Normandy 18/19th June 1944 |
R. Mark Davies | M/L |
Kraut Corner |
A tiny but vicious fight in the bocage where a U.S. Company with armor support assaults a German platoon. | 11JUL1944 Normandy | Stephen Uden | I |
Hérouville - Hellfire Corner |
The British attempt to capture Hérouville as part of Operation Charnwood. | 8JUL1944 Normandy | R. Mark Davies | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy The following scenarios are all based on the battles of the 12th SS in Normandy. Paddy Greene, Richard de Ferrars, R. Mark Davies, and Andy Parkes have collaborated to produce a history of some of the more intense battles of the Normandy campaign. (PDF 386k) Blood/Honour Consolidated Optional Rules - Richard and Paddy compiled all of the various optional rules they use in the Blood and Honour series into one document. Paddy also provided some templates that you can use for the UK artillery patterns. Print them on clear acetate Zipped .pdf files (433k) zipped ms-word (12k) Paddy provided this document which you can use to put unit stats on the bottom of your 12th SS stands or modify for other units. |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Authie (PDF 180k) |
Paddy Green and Richard de Ferrars. The 12th SS takes on the Canadians as the the Allies push off the beachhead for Caen. Richard takes the lead on this one. |
Normandy 7JUN1944 | Richard de Ferrars/Paddy Green | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Finding the Front Line (PDF 290k) |
Paddy Green and Richard de Ferrars. On the day after D-day, British and German reconnaissance forces meet between Caen and Bayeux and try to out-manoeuvre each other. |
Normandy 7JUN1944 | Richard de Ferrars/Paddy Green | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Putot (PDF 319k) |
The 12th SS and Canadians fight over the village of Putot. | Normandy 8JUN1944 | Paddy Green/Richard de Ferrars | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Night attack on Bretteville and Norrey (PDF 170k) |
The 12th SS continues to attack the Canadians in hopes of cutting off the Allied salient at Norrey and threatening the beachhead. Paddy takes primary credit for this one. | Normandy 8-9JUN1944 | Paddy Green/Richard de Ferrars | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Rots (PDF 288k) |
RMD decides to get into the Canadian vs SS action with the battle of Rots. | Normandy 11JUN1944 | R. Mark Davies, assisted by Paddy Green/Richard de Ferrars | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Mesnil-Patry (PDF 177k) |
The 12th SS and Canadians fight over the village of Mesnil-Patry. | Normandy 11JUN1944 | Paddy Green/Richard de Ferrars | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Cristot (PDF 173k) |
The British try and force the 12SS out of the village of Cristot. | Normandy 11JUN1944 | Paddy Green/Richard de Ferrars/Andy Parkes | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy A Walk in the Park - Parc de Boislande (PDF 123k) |
Cristot has fallen but the path south to the next British objective of Fontenay-le-Pesnel, is blocked by the imposing feature of Parc de Boislande. This scenario is a Battalion level attack by 6 DWR supported by 24th Lancers against the Chateau de Boisland and its heavily wooded grounds strongly defended by dismounted elements of III Battalion 26th SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment. Once the stubborn Germans been driven from the woods, a strong counterattack develops. Led by Seigel's elite Panzer IVs, the remaining elements III Battalion 26th SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment assault the woods in their armoured Sdkfz 251s and accompanied by the Regimental Pioneere Kompanie. This game is a fluid attack and counter attack scenario on a small table with loads of woods! | Normandy 17JUN1944 | Richard de Ferrars & Paddy Green | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Scottish Corridor - Operation Epsom (PDF 136k) |
A giant scenario presented at Bovington 2006. See the After Action Report for lots of photos. | Normandy 28JUN1944 | Richard de Ferrars, Paddy Green, Mark Davies & Mark Middleton | V |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Operation Windsor - Carpiquet Airfield (PDF 286k) |
A month after D-Day, Montgomery ordered Caen to be taken. As a preliminary, the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division was ordered to capture
the village of Carpiquet its adjacent airfield. Lying 3½ miles east of Caen,
its capture would outflank the German forces defending the northern suburbs of the city forcing
them to withdraw south over the River Orne. Carpiquet was a valuable prize as the Allies needed additional aircraft landing sites and were desperate to establish more reliable air cover. However, the airfield was open and well defended. The Allied tanks and infantry had to advance over an expanse of open terrain which offers a perfect "killing ground" for the defenders. The defenders were the 'elite' German 26th SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment from 12th SS Hitlerjügend Panzer Division who had fortified the entire area with mines, wire, pillboxes and field emplacements. This is a massive and complex set-piece mega game from Bovington 09. It is played in 20mm ground scale and demands specialist terrain, many players, a huge table, and lots of time. Operation Windsor - Bovington After Action Report (972k) |
Normandy 4JUL1944 | Paddy Green, Richard de Ferrars and the Battlefront UK group. | V |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Bloody Buron (PDF 232k) |
The Highland Light Infantry of Canada as part of the 3rd Canadian Division are on eastern flank of CHARNWOOD and in Phase II and are given the task of clearing out the village of Buron, which was the scene of so much fighting on the 7th June (see the Authie Scenario). A strong force of tanks, funnies from 79th Armoured Division and infantry muster at the FUP between Les Buissons and Vieux Cairon prepared for the assault. Ready to meet them is a small force of 12th SS 'Hitlerjügend' Panzer Grenadiers who are well prepared and well dug in behind formidable anti-tank trenches, minefields and barbed wire. This will be a tough fight for either side which will test a players tactics in both breaching prepared defence lines and fighting in dense terrain and mixed urban areas. | Normandy 8JUL1944 | Paddy Green, Richard de Ferrars | L |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Grimbosq (PDF 954k) |
Brigadier Fryer's 176th Infantry Brigade forded the River Orne and established a bridgehead on the steep east bank. The destroyed bridge at le Bas had been repaired and construction of a more substantial Bailey Bridge had begun. Two counter-attacks by the 271st Infantry Division failed to dislodge the British and during the day the bridgehead was expanded and reinforced with Churchill tanks.
The Grimbosq bridgehead protruded deep into the German left flank at a time they were under extreme pressure from Operation TOTALIZE to the north. It was of immense importance and so Kampfgruppe Wünsche from 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjügend" was been ordered to restore the situation. They are to make a strong attack with PzIVs, Panthers and Tigers supporting 2 battalions of Panzer Grenadiers to crush the bridgehead. The attack is to be launched from the Forêt de Grimbosq into the narrow streets of Grimbosq and Brieux. This battle saw Captain David Jamieson of the 7th Norfolks awarded the Victoria Cross for his part in this fighting. This is a very large demonstration game put on at Bovvy 2013. |
Normandy 7AUG1944 | Paddy Green and Richard de Ferrars | V |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Taming the Tigers - Totalize (PDF 204k) |
TOTALIZE phase 1 has been an complete success for the Allies,
in the morning of 8th August the German defensive line is in tatters and the road to Falaise lay open.
All that stood in the way of the First Canadian Army was the battle worn 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend.".
However, because of the planned carpet bombing by the 8th USSAF, the Allies
dug in and waited for the inevitable counter-attack.
Kurt Meyer knew that the situation was critical and reacted by throwing KG Waldmuller,
including Michael Wittman's Tigers into a savage and bitter counter attack -
but did he send his forces into a trap or execute a tactical masterstroke that restored the German line?
A sizeable and complex 2 part linked scenario that flows from attack to defence. Phase 1 can be played on its own. |
Normandy 8AUG1944 | Paddy Green, Richard de Ferrars with additional playtesting by 'Proff' Pender and 'Scotty' Scott | L |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy High Ground Sighted (PDF 250k) |
During the 2nd Canadian Corps push southwards from Caen a Canadian taskforce was ordered to capture the high ground at Point 195.
The Canadians advanced quickly through minimal German resistance but strayed off the main highway.
High ground was sighted and the column headed for it. The scenario begins with the taskforce fighting their way through some weak resistance and reaching a strong defensive area before confidently reporting to their pleased Corps Commander that they hold Point 195. For the 12th SS the situation is again critical and Kampfgruppe Wunsche and his "Big Cats" are mobilised to destroy this Allied thrust that has pushed into the heart of the Hitlerjugend defensive line before it could be properly formed. The ensuing battle sees the Canadians grimly clinging on to the high ground against increasingly overwhelming odds waiting on relief forces that may or may not arrive? This is a long and complex scenario with lots of potential for friendly fire, confusion and consternation for the Canadian player. It is best played with an umpire or with an experienced German player who can co-ordinate the game. |
Normandy 9AUG1944 | Paddy Green and Richard de Ferrars with additional playtesting by 'Proff' Pender and 'Scotty' Scott | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Quesnay Woods (PDF 149k) |
The initial success of "Totalize" Phase 1 contrasts with the disappointing progress of Phase 2. After a stunningly successful attack led by Lt-Col Dave Stewart and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada, Hill 195 lies in Canadian hands. They are dug-in and controlling the road to Falaise but attempts to reach them by 4 Cdn Armd Div and exploit their success have been stopped by flanking fire from tanks from Kampfgruppe Wünsche concealed in Quesnay Woods. This is now the vital ground and so, in the late evening, General Simmonds orders the 8th Infantry Brigade to assault and take the woods. This is a medium sized scenario set in dense woodland. | Normandy 10AUG1944 | Paddy Green and Richard de Ferrars | L |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Idaho and Soulangy (PDF 109k) |
Following the Mortain counter-attack the 12th SS Panzer Division 'Hitlerjugend' is tasked with holding the northern shoulder of the Falaise pocket open to allow the retreat of the defeated German Armies to the west. The Canadians are pushing south towards Falaise to complete the encirclement but following success of Operation "Tractable" have advanced beyond the range of their artillery. Nevertheless they must advance and take the high ground of 'Objective Idaho' and the village of Soulangy which are critical to the defence of Falaise. Standing in their way is the battered remnants of 'Papa' Krause's kampfgruppe supported by and handful of tanks. This is nominally a medium sized scenario that comprises two inter-dependent small scenarios and can easily be fought as two separate vignettes. | Normandy Falaise Pocket 15AUG1944 |
Paddy Green | M |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Soldier's Day (PDF 527k) |
The Polish 10th Mounted Rifles attempt break through at Jort to close the ring. | Normandy Falaise Pocket 15AUG1944 |
R. Mark Davies | M/L |
Blood and Honour 12th SS in Normandy Damblainville - Crossing the River Ante (PDF 197k) |
The 2nd Canadian Corps attempts to cross the River Ante to seal the Falaise pocket. | Normandy Falaise Pocket 17AUG1944 |
Richard de Ferrars, Paddy Green, playtested by Steve Uden | L |
Operation Goodwood Part 1 - 3RTR (.pdf) |
The first part of the attack - the 3RTR leads the 11th Armoured in an attempt to break through German defenders stunned by a massive air bombardment. | Normandy 18JUL1944 | Steve Uden | M |
Operation Goodwood Part 2 - 2nd Fife & Forfars (.pdf) |
The 2nd Fife & Forfars follows the 3rd RTR. | Normandy 18JUL1944 | Steve Uden | M |
Carentan Counterattack | The Screaming Eagles defend Carentan against a Panzergrenadier counterattack. | Normandy 1944 | Brian Cantwell | L/V |
Carentan Counterattack (2) PDF(123k) | Mark Hayes' version of the same battle, presented at Historicon 2004 | Normandy 1944 | Mark Hayes | M |
Bocage Attack | A reinforced U.S. Battalion attempts to capture a critical hill in the Bocage. | Normandy 1944 | David Newport | M |
Breakout! | A 6 player scenario based on the confused situation after the breakout from the Bocage. Each player has his own objectives. | Normandy 1944 | David Newport | M |
Jupiter-Les Duanes | On the flank of the Hill 112 battle, a British battalion attempts to dislodge stubborn German defenders. | Normandy July 1944 | Ken Natt | M |
Maltot | The Wessex Wyverns attempt to take the village of Maltot. | Normandy 10 July 1944 | Andy Parkes and Ken Natt | M |
Purple Heart Draw (88k .pdf) | The U.S. forces attempt to clear an area held by dug-in German paratroopers in the battles leading up to the capture of St.Lo. | Normandy July 1944 | Steve Uden and Gary Loosen | M |
Maisoncelles (568k .pdf) | During operation Bluecoat, a UK artillery unit finds itself subject to the unwanted attentions of a German counterattack. | Normandy 4AUG 1944 | R. Mark Davies | M |
Meeting Engagement 1944 | German and U.S. recon forces battle over a town in France in this West Front training scenario. | France 1944 | Michael Turner | S |
Mortain Counterattack 1944 | In their effort to cut off the base of the U.S. breakout, lead elements of the 2nd Pz and 1st SS Pz grope through the fog to assault a U.S. blocking position. | France August 1944 | Pete Landry | M |
Road Junction 278 1944 | After the Mortain counterattack had stalled, the U.S. attempts to capture a key road junction on the German line of communications. | France August 1944 | Pete Landry | L |
Make Or Break | After the Mortain Counterattack bogged down, the Allies swing around the flank of the German 7th army in an attempt to surround them. Leading this unexpected movement, the U.S. 90th infantry division attempts to break through to LeMans. This is their last chance to prove themselves after performing poorly in Normandy. If they don't succeed, the division may be broken up to be used as replacements. | Northern France, Aug 1944 | Brian Cantwell | L |
Nor Mons - Pavée 6AUG1944 | The 3rd Monmouthshire Regiment of the 11th Armoured Division clashes with the Germans during Operation Bluecoat. | Northern France, Aug 1944 | Bryan Barnard | S |
NW Europe-Market-Garden, Early Siegfried Line, Lorraine Table of Contents |
Wettern - The Neck of the Swan .pdf (171k) |
The Battle of Wetteren Bridge British forces must defend a critical crossing across the River Schelde. |
Belgium, 6SEP 1944 | R. Mark Davies | M |
Smashing the Crust 4 zipped .pdf files | In the first days of the Market-Garden Battle, British armor attempts to smash through German delaying forces and move up the Highway toward Arnhem. Provided as zipped MS-Word and .PDF files. | Market-Garden, SEP 1944 | R. Mark Davies | L |
Welcome to the Island | British units attempt to clear the town of Oosterhout, on the "Island" between Nijmegen and Arnhem. Provided as zipped MS-Word amd .PDF files. A two part scenario | Market-Garden, SEP 1944 | R. Mark Davies |
1 S 2 M |
Market-Garden Andy Parkes and Paddy Greene are developing a series of scenarios based on the Market-Garden battle. They use the Optional Rules developed for the Blood/Honour Series. Ultimately they hope to cover most of the famous actions of this battle as both stand-alone scenarios and a massive campaign game. |
Route Leopard Umpire Notes Route Leopard British Orders Route Leopard German Orders Route Leopard Incident Cards |
British Paras attempt to break through to Arnhem bridge through initially uncoordinated but growing German resistance. This game uses a random event system that both controls reinforcements and adds historical flavor to the game. To get the full impact of the random incidents, the players should not read the umpire notes before the game. Andy would like to credit Ken Natt for the idea of the cards and Keith Lowman for playtesting. | Market-Garden SEP1944 | Andy Parkes | L |
Route Tiger British Orders Route Tiger German Orders |
KG Krafft throws up a hasty defence in front of a second route toward Arnhem bridge. | Market-Garden SEP1944 | Andy Parkes | M |
Route Lion |
KG Spindler throws up a hasty defence in front of a third route toward Arnhem bridge. | Market-Garden SEP1944 | Andy Parkes | M |
Ginkel Heath DZ-Y(555k) |
Because of a shortage of transport aircraft, not all of the British troops could be landed in the first wave. The drop-zones for the following wave needed to be defended until the rest of the troops arrived. This scenario resolves around the battle for DZ-Y on Ginkel Heath, where British forces must keep the drop zone free from German interference until the next wave arrives. | Market-Garden SEP1944 | Andy Parkes | M |
Hold Until Relieved (133k) |
This mini-campaign covers LT-Colonel John Frost's attempt to hold the Arnhem bridge for several days against increasing German pressure. Although played on a small terrain board with relatively modest forces, this is a long and complex scenario set in dense urban terrain. | Market-Garden SEP1944 | Andy Parkes and Paddy Green | C |
Dreijenseweg |
British forces attempt to force their way through Dreijenseweg into Arnhem to join Frost at the bridge. This was the game put on at Bovington 2013. | Market-Garden SEP1944 | Richard de Ferrars, Andy Parkes, Paddy Green & Mark Davies | V |
Operation Alan The attack on 's-Hertogenbosch Zipped PDF(689k) |
After Market-Garden failed, one of the primary objectives was the clearing of the Scheldt estuary and expanding the
Nijmegen bridgehead Westward, with the ultimate objective of opening and protecting the major port of Antwerp.
The British XII Corps was tasked with expanding the Nijmegen Salient westward and capturing the German fortress of 's-Hertogenbosch (also known as 'Den Bosch'),
thereby cutting the German 15. Armee's line of communication with LXXXVIII. Korps, which was stationed south of the Maas. This is a massive scenario that was used at Bovington 2010. |
Holland, October 1944 | Battlefront UK (R. Mark Davies, Paddy Green, Richard de Ferrars, et. al) | V |
Walcheren/Westkapelle PDF(232k) | Paddy Green provides this scenario of the assault on Walcheren island, which controlled the mouth of the Scheldt estuary and prevented the allies from using Antwerp as a supply base after it was captured almost intact before Market-Garden. A full-bore amphibious assault was mounted to clear the vital supply lines. | Holland, November 1944 | Paddy Green | V |
Broekhizen Bridgehead PDF(436k) | In Eastern Holland, the 3rd Monmouthshires attack one of the few remaining German bridgeheads over the Waal River, defended by some Fallschirmjäger with their defenses centered on a medieval castle. | Holland, November 1944 | R. Mark Davies | M |
NW Europe-Battle of the Bulge Table of Contents |
Wardin 5 zipped .pdf files | In the Battle of the Bulge, Team O'Hara takes up a blocking position protecting Bastogne. | Ardennes, Dec. 1944 | R. Mark Davies Based on an idea from Wargames Illustrated |
M |
The Sanatorium | At a critical point in the Battle of the Bulge, an American blocking force takes the offense against a very dangerous opponent - a cornered SS Kampfgruppe. | 20DEC1944 Ardennes Offensive | Richard de Ferrars and Paddy Green | S |
Dom Bütgenbach | The 12SS attempts to break through the U.S. 1st Infantry division. | Ardennes, Dec 1944 | Steve Uden | M |
Parker's Crossroads 1944 | A miscellaneous group of U.S. defenders attempt to defend the Crossroads at Baraque de Fraiture against an SS Kampfgruppe. | Ardennes 1944 | Giopp Loris and R. Mark Davies | M |
Assenois 1944 | CCR of the 4th Armored division attempts to break through the ring to relieve the 101st Airborne in Bastogne. | Ardennes 1944 | Giopp Loris | M |
NW Europe-Battle for Germany Table of Contents |
A Ride in the Reichswald | A small British force tries to capture a road through the Reichswald. This can be played either as a mini-campaign with the Ditch (see below) or as a stand-alone scenario. | Reichswald Feb. 1945 | Ken Natt | S |
The Ditch | Several days after the Ride scenario, the British attempt to capture the town of Hekkens. This can be played either as a mini-campaign with the Ride (see above) or as a stand-alone scenario. | Reichswald Feb. 1945 | Ken Natt | M |
Pulling the Pin Excel base labels for Linnich |
At the start of Operation Grenade, the crossing of the Roer River in February 1945, units of the 84th US Infantry division attempt a crossing at Linnich ahead of Monty's main attack. | 24FEB1945 Roer River | Ken Natt | S |
Bienen |
As part of Montgomery's operation to cross the Rhine, Canadian Infantry launch an attack on the town of Bienen. | 25MARFEB1945 Roer River | Bill Slavin | M |
Pacific, China-Burma-India Table of Contents |
Sittang Bridge(.pdf) |
The main Japanese attack in the invasion of Burma began on 20 January 1942
as two divisions crossed the frontier, forcing the inexperienced defenders
to fall back from one defensive position after another. On the morning of 22 February,
the 1st Battalion of the Japanese 215th Infantry Regiment made a mad dash to cut off the retreat of the
17th Indian Division at Sittang Bridge. The fate of Rangoon and thousands
of Allied soldiers rested on the shoulders of a few hundred men from the 3rd Burma Rifles, 4/12 Frontier Force Regiment,
and 2/Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Note that the ground scale of this scenario is 1" = 27m, which is what is used usually for 20mm. The rectangles on the second page of the .pdf are small rulers set up for this scale. |
Burma, February 1942 | Mark Hayes | M |
Kuzeik (.pdf) | Baluchi defenders contest the Salween River line against Japanese attackers in the desperate early stages of the war in Burma. | Burma, 12FEB1942 | R. Mark Davies | M/L |
Divine Warriors from the Sky scenario orbats |
Japanese Paradrop on Palembang, Sumatra. | Pacific Feb 1942 | R. Mark Davies 25AUG2018 |
S |
Milne Bay 1(.pdf) | Australians defend the Kristen Broders mission in this first scenario depicting the Japanese attempt to capture Milne Bay as part of their campaign against Port Moresby. | New Guinea, August 1942 | Nigel Perry | M |
Milne Bay 2(.pdf) | Australians defend Airfield Number 3 in the second scenario depicting the Japanese attempt to capture Milne Bay as part of their campaign against Port Moresby. | New Guinea, August 1942 | Nigel Perry | L |
Kokoda Track - Historical Overview | The Kokoda Trail in New Guinea was the site of an extremely hard fought campaign. Steven Lee developed a series of scenarios depicting the various stages of this campaign as the Australian and Japanese struggled over some of the worst terrain on earth. This first file is an overview of the campaign. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | |
Kokoda Track - Action at Gorari | Japanese forces attempt to force their way through Australian defensive positions on the road to Kokoda. This is the first of several small-scale (a battalion or less on each side) scenarios based on this extremely hard-fought campaign. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | S |
Kokoda Track - Action at Kokoda | After having pushed aside the defenders at Gorari, Japanese forces move down the trail to Kokoda to capture the Kokoda plateau and airfield. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | M |
Kokoda Track - Once More Into the Breach | The Australians mount an attack to retake the Kokoda Airfield. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | S |
Kokoda Track - 300 Australians | Heavily outnumbered but well-entrenched Australians defend against a Japanese attack. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | M |
Kokoda Track - Australia's Thermoplyae | Both sides have reinforced from the previous battle and the Japanese come on again in force. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | L |
Kokoda Track - Eora Creek | The Australians conduct a fighting withdrawal. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | M |
Kokoda Track - Brigade Hill | The Australians defend one of the last defense lines against a determined Japanese attack. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | S |
Kokoda Track - Ioribaiwa Ridge | On one side of the map, the Japanese attack, while the Australians are on the offensive at the other end. This is the last of the Kokoda scenarios where the Japanese are on the attack. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | L |
Kokoda Track - Templeton's Crossing | The Australians take the offensive, and try to push the Japanese out of a fortified position. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | M |
Kokoda Track - Eora Creek the flip side | The Australians continue the offensive, running into a tough defense on an earlier battlefield. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | M |
Kokoda Track - Gona's Gone | The Australians try to finish the campaign by driving the Japanese out of their entrenchments at Gona. | New Guinea 1942 | Steven Lee | M |
Tarawa (US) (.pdf) Tarawa (Japanese) (.pdf) |
The assault on Tarawa was one of the first of many attacks on well dug-in island Japanese defenders in the U.S. campaign in the Central Pacific. | 20NOV1943, Gilbert Islands, Central Pacific | Andy Parkes & Martin Small 8JUL2019 |
L |
Ananse Goes To War (.pdf) | The West African Regiment attempts to clear out a Japanese Garrison at Kanwa, Burma. | Burma January 1944, Kaladan Valley | R. Mark Davies | M |
Poore's Ridge (.pdf) | Japanese forces have overrun a Commonwealth mortar outpost. Commonwealth forces attempt to recapture it. | Burma March 1944, Kaladan Valley | R. Mark Davies | S |
Cox's Corner (.pdf) | The West African Gold Coast Regiment encounters the Japanese 111th Regiment in a meeting engagement in the Kaladan Valley. | Burma March 1944, Kaladan Valley | R. Mark Davies 20DEC2009 |
M |
Imphal - The Turning Point When the Japanese overran Southern Burma, they sent their eventual sights on India. However, horrible terrain, challenging logistics, and increasingly stubborn Commonwealth defenders prevented a rapid victory. The Battle for Imphal marked the climax of the Japanese threat and their defeat in this campaign ultimately led to Japanese defeat in all of Burma. The following scenarios are all based on the battles of the Imphal campaign. |
Imphal - The Turning Point Fuller's Last Stand-The Prelude to Sangshak (.pdf) |
Elements of the 50th Indian Parachute Brigade defend against the Japanese advance. | Burma March 1944 | R. Mark Davies | S |
Imphal - The Turning Point The First Battle of Bishenpur part 1: The 9/14th Punjabis at Ningthoukong (.pdf 413k) |
The Japanese 'March on Delhi' has pushed the British-Indian IV Corps back to the city of Imphal, where they find themselves besieged. Determined not to sit and wait for the Japanese, the commander of the Indian 32nd Brigade sends to 9/14th Punjab Regiment out to take the fight to the enemy. | Burma 22APR1944 | R. Mark Davies | M |
Imphal - The Turning Point The First Battle of Bishenpur part 2: The 1/4th Gurkhas at Ningthoukong (.pdf 414k) |
Besieged with their backs to the city of Imphal, the Indian 32nd Brigade has identified the Japanese positions and strength. The 1/4th Gurkha Rifles are tasked with mounting a deliberate assault to push back the enemy. | Burma 25APR1944 | R. Mark Davies | M |
Imphal - The Turning Point The First Battle of Bishenpur part 3: Black Cat v. White Tiger (.pdf 772k) |
The Commonwealth Forces launch a massive counterattack to relieve the pressure on Bishenpur. This is the scenario put on at Bovington in 2011. | Burma 8MAY1944 | R. Mark Davies | V |
Hill 170 (.pdf) (610kb) |
Third Arakan Campaign: By January 1945, the Japanese 28th Army had finally been defeated in the Arakan coastal strip of Burma. However, the Japanese 54th Division was still fighting hard against the 82nd (West African) Division as it withdrew along the coast. In an attempt to crush the Japanese resistance, 3 Commando Brigade and elements of the 25th Indian Division landed from the sea at Kangaw to block the Japanese retreat. However, the Japanese were determined to break the block and they launched a full-blooded assault on the key British position on Hill 170. | Burma, 31JAN1945 | R. Mark Davies | L |
Pagoda Hill (.pdf) (789kb) |
Commonwealth Forces attempt to clear the Japanese out of Mandalay. | Burma, 10MAR1945 | Mark Hayes | L |
Wetlet (.pdf) (172kb) |
Keeping the Japanese off-balance during the Meiktila offensive. RMD gave me a pictorial After Action Report of a replay of this scenario. | Burma, 8MAR1945 | Mark Hayes | M |
Taking the Bait (Letse 1945) (.pdf) | The Japanese attempt to overwhelm a British outpost in Burma. | Burma, 20MAR1945 | Mark Hayes | M |
The Pinnacle (.pdf) | U.S. Forces attack well fortified Japanese. | Okinawa, 6APR1945 | Bill Slavin | S |
Kakazu Ridge (.pdf) | U.S. Forces attack try to destroy Japanese cave positions. | Okinawa, 19APR1945 | Bill Slavin | M/L |
Post World War 2 Table of Contents |
Third Battle of Jijiga | The Climax of the Ogaden War | Ethiopia, 28th February 1978 | R. Mark Davies | M |
Goose Green - Sunray Down | UK forces land to retake the Falkland Islands after an Argentinian Invasion | Falkland Islands, 28MAY1982 | R. Mark Davies | M |
Operation Colosseum | Operation Colosseum-South African raid on a SWAPO guerilla base. | Africa, 1980s | R. Mark Davies | S |
First Clash on the Lomba (4 zipped pdf files) | Operation Modular-Cubans and Angolans vs UNITA and South Africa. RMD takes BF into the modern era. | Africa, 9/10AUG1987 | R. Mark Davies | L |
Southern African Campaign "Externals" Zipped MS-Word format (141k) |
A campaign game based on the border wars between South Africa and UNITA vs Cubans and Angola | Africa, 1980s | R. Mark Davies 3JUN2007 |
C |
First Clash 1 - Ambush at Favorite (.pdf) | Canadian Forces attempt to delay Soviet a Soviet Spearhead in the first of several scenarios based on Kenneth Macksey's book on a hypothetical Soviet invasion of Central Europe in the 1980s. | June 1984 | Ken Natt | S |
Escalation v1.0 (.pdf) |
Escalation is a card-based scenario generation system for counter-insurgency actions given to us by Fabian from "Kriegsspiel mit Stil Berlin". He describes it as follows:
"This set of cards provides counter-insurgency missions and scenarios from the 1990s up to now. They are drawn up with Iraq and Afghanistan in mind, but could be used and changed for other regions and conflicts. The ideas and scenarios are based on the knowledge and research of their creators and are aimed at a gaming experience. We acknowledge that they cannot come close to the true realities and experiences of the actual conflicts. The scenarios are inspired by phases of rising tensions in an urban or suburban environment. They are in part "outbreak-scenarios" - occasions, when a tense calm explodes into chaos and violence. In such an escalation, counter insurgency forces (COIN) will face insurgency forces (INFO). There are different types of cards in this deck: Some define rules, missions or scenarios and assets. Together they aim to be a plugin for existing wargame rules. This deck is designed to play with the Battlefront WW2 ruleset by Fire & Fury Games and its prototype unit cards for modern conflicts. This is by no means an official or licensed product. Many other modern rulesets may play well with these scenarios. The card deck was designed to suit our favorite rules, miniature collection and understanding of the said conflicts: Feel free to make changes and to make this deck work better with your favorite rules." Feel free to copy this card set for private use. Copyright lies with "Kriegsspiel mit Stil Berlin". Critique and ideas go to You can also visit their Facebook page. |
1990s+ | Kriegsspiel mit Stil Berlin | S |
Miscellaneous, Ideas for scenarios Table of Contents |
Only the enemy in front | A set of ideas for a scenario pitting advance recon forces against a retreating enemy in an attempt to capture a bridge. | Any Period, any sides | Ken Natt | S |
Scenario Competitions Table of Contents |
2009 Spring Competition | ||||
2009 Fall Competition |
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